Championship 29/09/96

7' Cappellini, 92' Bertarelli(p)Scorers
AmorosoBookedCevoli, Fiorin, Casazza
57' FiciniSent off70' Ferrante

Moreno LongoMarco Ferrante

Casazza 4.5 5.5 5 5
Longo 6 6.5 6 6.17
Cevoli 5.5 6 6 5.83
Maltagliati 5 5.5 5.5 5.33
Mezzano 6 6 5 5.67
(Ferrante) 3 4.5 4 3.83
Fiorin 5.5 5.5 6 5.67
(Balesini) ng ng ng ng
Nunziata 5 5.5 5.5 5.33
Cristallini 4.5 5.5 6 5.33
Scarchilli 4 5.5 5.5 5
(Lombardini) 4.5 5.5 6 5.33
Florijancic 5.5 6 6 5.83
Ipoua 6 6 6 6

La Gazzetta dello Sport

Fatal trip of the granata team to the field of the neo-promoted


Knocks down Torino and refind Bertarelli who gets a penalty and scores

"Tuscans with a more speed. First goal has arrived form an error of Casazza who on a free kick of Cappellini from 25 metres missed the ball"

"Wonderful match of the young Amoroso who played from attack to defense"

Il Corriere Dello Sport

Empoli gets conceited but there isn't Toro

Bertarelli's back (and scores a penalty)


Cappellini-Bertarelli goal. - For Granatas it's a dark night - Casazza makes a mistake, then an indecorous match

Looking Toro desperately

"Toro from bad to worse: disappointed without getting the way to save the risult and the face. Empoli's victory is deserved"

"We can say [Toro] played its worst match since the beginning of the championship. And in every match the perfomance fades."

La Stampa

"Fogged by the first goal"

Sandreani safeguards Casazza "I've confidence in my boys"