Championship 09/09/96

67' BellucciScorers56' Cristallini
Zironelli, Passoni, BellucciBookedCravero, Nunziata, Sommese
37' Marangon, 43' d.s. VinazzaniSent off

The bestThe worst
Paolo CristalliniFabrizio Casazza

Casazza 4.5 4 5 4.5
Longo 6.5 5.5 6 6
Cravero 6 6.5 6.5 6.33
(Pedroni) 6 6 6 6
Cevoli 6 6.5 6 6.17
Mezzano 6.5 6.5 6.5 6.5
Lombardini 5 6 6 5.67
(Sommese) 6 ng ng 6
Nunziata 6.5 6 6 6.17
Scarchilli 5 5 6 5.33
Cristallini 6.5 7.5 7 7
Ferrante 5.5 5 5.5 5.33
(Ipoua) 6 ng ng 6
Florijancic 6 6.5 5.5 6

La Gazzetta dello Sport

Seven days ago the gift of Fiori, yesterday the error of the own number one


An error of Casazza revives Venezia with 10 players, but perhaps Bellotto will leave

"The granata team scored first with Cristallini, the best on the field. - Later the opponents, without a player after 37 minutes of the match due to the expulsion of Marangon, tie with Bellucci, fast in taking advantage of the hesitation of Casazza - The position of the coach is still unsafe."

Il Corriere Dello Sport

VENEZIA-TORINO 1-1 Thrust and riposte between Cristallini and Bellucci who takes advantage of an error of Casazza

Bellotto, the relief arrives today?


An error but also a lot of Toro

Advantage of Cristallini, then a gaffe of Casazza gives the draw to Venezia that played in ten players for almost an hour.

"For granatas also 2 bars but the midfield doesn't convince"

"The goalie doesn't look for excuses: it's my fault"

"< We shot fifteen times for goal"> Sandreani gets over the draw with the number of chances"

"Actually, Torino didn't played at its best in this match"

"In the meantime there are some good notes about Ipoua: in only 20 minutes he let his importance in attack be noticed. An hopeful starting."

La Stampa

Toro does everything - goal by Cristallini - error of Casazza